Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Secretary Dress! YAY I finished!!

There's nothing like a hint of warmer spring weather to make me want to finish a dress suited to winter! I thought that I may not be able to wear this until next year if I leave this any longer. I hope there will be one or two more cooler days before the spring sets in!

The pattern is c.1959 and went together really easily. I used a lovely soft charcoal suiting (which has a slight blue coloured fleck through it), and didn't have to make any alterations at all. The only thing that I changed was to put an invisible zipper instead of a lapped zipper. And no, I didn't lengthen the skirt, and no I'm not short.....the illustration leads you to believe that it's around knee length. And I won this from Oztion the other day...I thought it would look really nice at the neckline where the split starts. It's a vintage (c 1959 ish) marcasite brooch. I haven't received it yet but can't wait!


  1. thats fab, and I love the brooch too!

  2. Stunning Jen. Simply stunning.

  3. Wooohoooo...she's back! Love your new dress Jenni, nothing like some Spring days to get you motivated :)
    Hope all is going well with your new job, new babies, gorgeous family etc etc...I miss your updates!

  4. That's a lovely dress, it looks great!

  5. You will be glad you have this dress ready and waiting in your closet when Winter comes! I always procastinate when sewing for the seasons :)

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